1. Think of and make a written note of the following three life experiences: A t

1. Think of and make a written note of the following three life experiences: A time when you used an experience(s) from the past to make sense of the present A time when you used an experience(s) from the past to enable themselves to accept and/or feel freed from the experience(s) A time when you used an experience(s) from the past to help them prepare for action in the future Which of the three do you think is the easiest to do? The hardest? Why? When have you applied experience from your past for any of these three purposes and had it succeed? Had it fail? In each case, why? Discuss factors like learning from our mistakes, and pitfalls like overcorrecting from past mistakes, overgeneralizing, how to avoid these, etc. 2. A popular model for goal-setting is SMART. This acronym stands for specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and having a time frame. Relate this model to this chapter’s set of criteria for setting goals (see LO 10.4). What similarities and differences do you see?