NAU_ASSESS_ICON This assignment has two parts. Make time to complete both parts. Part 1: Write your rough draft. Part 2: Download and submit the Grammarly summary report for your document. (I will complete this portion) Part 1: Write your rough draft. IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT submit the exact same paper for Week 9 and Week 11. You may only receive points on both assignments if you submit a substantively revised version in Week 11. Submit a first draft of the researched argumentative essay you have been preparing in this course. This essay must meet the following requirements: It must contain a debatable thesis statement. Include a Title Page and References page. Be 5-7 pages double-spaced in Times New Roman 12-point or similar font, not counting title and References page. Incorporate APA style parenthetical citation of at least five sources, two of which must be scholarly sources. Include concession and rebuttal. Though your draft may not be fully developed at this time, the more complete the work you submit now, the better the feedback you will receive prior to the revision and editing stages. Part 2: Download and submit the Grammarly summary report for your document. IMPORTANT: Please DO NOT submit the exact same paper for Week 9 and Week 11. You may only receive points on both assignments if you submit a substantively revised version in Week 11.