Attached are the datasets to be worked with for the final project and the instruction video in in the OneDrive. complication in one of the data sets and use this code to get it fixed. require(tidyverse)
DATA4 %>%
mutate(SampleRep=duplicated(PatientID)) %>%
mutate(SampleRepNum=case_when(SampleRep==FALSE ~ 1,
SampleRep==TRUE ~ 2)) %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = PatientID,
values_from = VisitDate,
names_from = SampleRepNum) %>%
mutate(Time1 = case_when(1 < 2 ~ 'Baseline',
1 > 2 ~ ‘Week4’),
Time2 = case_when(2 > 1 ~ ‘Week4’,
2 < 1 ~ 'Baseline')) -> TimeDB
DATA4 %>%
mutate(TimePoint=case_when(VisitDate %in% TimeDB$1 ~ ‘Baseline’,
VisitDate %in% TimeDB$2 ~ ‘Week4’))
link in one of the data sets and he sent a code for getting it fixed