* Review Board Rules and Statutes: You will review the selected rules and statutes of the Board as shared through Canvas.
* Board rules and statutes can be accessed from the board’s website: https://www.tn.gov/health/health-program-areas/health-professional-boards/pcmft-board/pcmft-board/statutes-and-rules.html
* From that page, under statutes, you can access Tennessee Code Annotated and read through the statutes of 63-22-___
* From the rules section, the first set of rules is applicable to counselors and should be reviewed (it is approximately 40 pages).
* Watch Recorded Board Trial: You will watch the trial portion of the Board meeting from October 6, 2023 from the link below (0:12:20 through 4:46:00, approximately 4 hours and 30 minutes). (NOTE: I have watched the video.)
* Watch Current Board Meeting: You will either attend the live Board meeting during this semester OR watch the teleconference of that session live OR watch a recording of a recent Board meeting. This portion of the assignment will include the Board meetings on April 5 and June 17 (at least one board meeting must be reviewed).
* Response Paper ASSIGNMENT: Write a response paper of at least 3 pages of text in which you discuss:
1) What you have learned about the purpose, role, and functioning of the Board.
2) What you will apply to your future practice as a counselor based upon what you have learned.
3) What recommendations you would make to other counseling professionals based upon what you have learned.