A double entry journal is a two-entry approach to reflective note taking on assigned readings or media. In the first entry students note ideas and arguments that they find meaningful or controversial from the text or media content. In the second entry students explain why the passage was meaningful and how they would apply it in their own practice settings. The intent is to engage in critical dialogue with the text and analyze how to apply their reflections to practice.
Select at least three passages or quotes from the assigned reading/media that are meaningful. Each passage or quote should be from a different text/media source.
Divide your paper into two columns.
In the left column, write out the short passage or quote. Be sure to cite the source, including the page number if applicable.
In the right column, explain why you chose this passage/quote, what you find meaningful about it, how you would agree or disagree with it, some implications for the advanced practice nurse, and how your personal experiences, faith, and beliefs might impact the care you provide. Use specific examples, illustrations and stories.