We have just finished exploring the broad topics that will be used to write a Toulmin style argument essay.
When we write an argument, we have to be especially focused on our audience. Our audience in an argument essay is the group of people who thinks differently than we do, the group that we want to persuade. We will refer to this group as our opposition for now.
We need to take into consideration methods of persuasion such as pathos, ethos, and logos. For definitions and examples of these rhetorical strategies, click on this link that takes you to the Purdue Online Writing Lab page.Links to an external site.
Preliminary Steps to Writing the Argument Essay
The first thing to do is to narrow a topic that falls under the broad topic of
Once you have narrowed your topic, define your stance on your chosen issue. You can begin by simply filling in this sentence:
“I think __________________________________________________.”
It’s helpful to give yourself a way to get your ideas flowing, both for your reasons and for the opposition side and their reasons. The exercise in this link is not for a grade, but it’s extremely helpful to fill out before you head to the outline stage. Consider the exercise in this link your prewriting work for the argument essay. Download Consider the exercise in this link your prewriting work for the argument essay.
Once you have many reasons going on each side of this list, it’s time to form them into an outline. To do this, first look at the first side of your list. You need to form this list into your three main arguments (your three main reasons for believing the way you believe). You will certainly have more than three reasons here, so make connections in ideas. Determine which ideas can be discussed in the same paragraph. You may also need to eliminate your weakest points if you don’t deem them to be very persuasive.
Then look at the second half of the list. The opposition will only have ONE paragraph in your essay in which to “voice” their ideas. However, in this ONE paragraph, you will explore at least three of their reasons. Therefore, you’re giving them as many points, but not as much space. Choose their three main arguments now.
Sometimes it’s helpful to see how one student has completed an assignment. You can check your own outline in accordance with the following outline written by a former Comp. I student. Click here to view the sample outline. Download Click here to view the sample outline.
The Assignment:
Write an outline using your own topic. Be sure your topic falls under one of the designated broad topics in this unit, and make sure it is not a repeat of the sample. Please use the format of the “fill-in-the-blank” outline form you saw above. Please submit to Canvas.
General Advice on the Structural Elements of this Essay
Many considerations need to be made when writing an argument essay. The main thing is to be able to clearly define and describe your audience and put yourself in their shoes. You are their voice in this essay. Sometimes that’s difficult. However, if you have your two-sided list from pre-writing, you’re well on your way.
The first three body paragraphs are relatively simple. Each topic sentence is a reason for your stance on your chosen topic. However, body paragraph IV is more complicated. You not only need to define your audience and support their stance, but you also need to come back toward the end of that paragraph and refute their points. You ARE the voice of your opposition in this last body paragraph. Your job is to make their voice heard. Don’t be too lax or general with this paragraph. This will be an especially lengthy paragraph due to all the parts.
Again, click here to see a sample outline. Download Again, click here to see a sample outline.
For this last essay, you will get to choose from any of the broad topics below that are used for Composition I at Rose State. They are:
Civic or Community Engagement
American Dream