If you don’t meet the following guidelines, you will not receive the full points for this assignment.
Speech topics you can’t use for your presentations: Steroids, sexually transmitted infections, abortion and no “how to” speeches on hunting, fishing, and sports.
The points are awarded as follows:
1. Followed the outline format provided in class= 5 points
2. Used key words and phrases= 5 points
3. Sources are cited as instructed= 5 points
4. Turned in on time in correct assignment= 5 points
Speech to Inform Outline Guidelines:
1. You must use the outline format I gave you in class. [Roman numerals I through VIII]
2. Your outline must be written in key words & phrases. I won’t accept an essay, paragraphs, etc… It should look like the example I provided you.
3. Three to five sources are required for this speech. They should all be direct sources. They must be cited in parenthesis in your outline as used [refer to the example I gave you]. You should also cite it out loud in the presentation.
4. This speech should be your own original work. If AI [artificial intelligence] is indicated, I will not accept it.
5. This outline must be used during your presentation.