Assignment 3: Now that you’ve learned about and discussed a variety of internet teaching tools, your assignment is to create an example of a website you could use as a teacher. It will be the first draft of something you could use as a teacher. For that reason, we would like your website to look clean and professional and contain examples of instructional materials you might have on your website. However, we won’t be actually grading those instructional materials. So, for example, you should put your syllabus on your website, but it can be an empty document that says “this is my syllabus”—when you actually begin teaching, you would put your real syllabus in that placeholder.
Note: If you already know how to make a website, or feel you wouldn’t use a website that much, you can complete this project using Versal or Edmodo.
You can complete the Internet Communications Assignment by using any of the following:
Google Sites
In your assignment, include a brief summary of how this can help teachers and Include a link to your personal site in your assignment submission.