Please use this textbook to make references in the answers to these questions:

Please use this textbook to make references in the answers to these questions: Van de Walle, J. et al (2022). Elementary and middle school mathematics – Teaching developmentally. (6th Canadian Edition). Pearson Canada Inc. *Be sure to get the CANADIAN 6th Edition! There are multiple versions of this textbook, so please be aware of the version
make sure to also use the BC curriculum
Question #1
A parent has challenged you about the validity of teaching math using inquiry strategies vs. using traditional methods. Create a chart, or similar method for comparison, which explains the pros and cons/benefits and drawbacks of both methods. Then, justify how you would employ inquiry in your classroom. Be sure to reference your ideas as needed.
question #2
To learn about place value, children benefit from a variety of experiences. According to the textbook, they should estimate and count large numbers of objects, work with concrete materials, draw/make pictures of their thinking, relate our number system to money, look for patterns in written numbers, and explore numbers in everyday contexts.
How might a teacher help students be engaged in activities that require them to compare the sizes of numbers and think about the logic of numerical symbols, as they relate to place value? Note: If it helps, you may choose to specify a grade level to focus on.
question #3
Clearly and thoroughly describe a problem-solving activity that children could do independently of the teacher while working in pairs. For example, if the teacher is leading a small group centre, what could students be doing at another centre in pairs that involve problem-solving?
When thinking of an activity, keep in mind that the activity should not be entirely symbolic, but there should be counters or other manipulatives involved. There should also be an oral component to the activity as the two children work together. Be sure to describe and cite any activities that you might use if necessary.