Research the debates that are happening around the world regarding the legality, or social acceptance, of wearing traditional Islamic veils (hijab, niqab, burka, etc.). You can focus your attention within a certain country, for example Tajikistan, Belgium, or France, or you can gather supporting argumentation from a variety of locations to make a more general point. State whether you will approach the issue generally, or within a single nation (and which nation if you choose the latter). Create a chart outlining the arguments “for” and “against” veiling. Try to find an equal number of arguments for each category. Choose a position and defend your choice using segments of the chart, as well as additional points. Make sure to substantiate your points with information, justification, and testimonials. Format: Students will research the issue of veiling (the wearing of hijab/satr, niqab, or burka) in a modern nation-state such as Tajikistan. Students will gather evidence and statements to support both a “for” argument and an “against” argument. They will then choose a side and defend their choice through a short essay. Students should cite sources appropriately and must rely on college-level scholarly work but may supplement with their own their own personal experiences and perspectives. Students should aim for about 2 pages of text and include their chart.