Use the attached documents to build the following.
1. Thesis Paragraph: Provide a draft of your thesis paragraph.
2. Outline: Present an overview of how you plan to organize your essay to answer your research question and support your thesis. This can take a variety of forms, but select a format that works well for you. Regardless of which you select, make sure that your overview provides enough information about your argument, structure, and evidence for your reader to have a sense of your plan for your essay.
Additional info.
Thesis Paragraph
In many ways, the thesis paragraph is the most important paragraph of your essay. It clearly articulates your argument and explains its significance to your reader. Without a well-written thesis paragraph, your paper may confuse your reader, or it may lapse into a simple descriiption of the topic, rather than an analysis. Because of that, the final version of your thesis paragraph will often be the last thing you write as your draft of your paper. But, without it, it will be difficult to organize and structure your essay. It is essential to draft a working thesis paragraph as you begin to think about how you will assemble your essay.
Once you have a working thesis paragraph, the next step is to begin organizing your ideas and evidence into a coherent structure that allows you to build and support your argument clearly and effectively. Writers take a variety of approaches to planning how they will write. For this assignment, you could use a standard outline structure, write a brief narrative overview of the essay, or adopt a framework that mixes the two. There are other options as well.
The key to an effective outline is to pick a plan that suits how you work and that will help you lay a foundation upon which to build a complete draft of your essay. To achieve that, an outline should clearly convey three things: 1) the overall argument of the essay as well as the supporting points you will make in each section; 2) the analytical structure of the essay; 3) the specific evidence you have found in primary and secondary sources that supports each part of your argument.
Sources to use are in the bibliography. If using additional sources, please add to the bibliography.