Your Final Project must demonstrate your analytical, reading, and writing skills

Your Final Project must demonstrate your analytical, reading, and writing skills as you apply them to one of the texts we have discussed this semester and 3 other sources. Below you will find a list of potential topics and guidelines for the assignment. The most important requirements for this paper are the following:
Your project must address one of the topics below.
Your analysis should be based on a critical close reading of the text you have chosen to write about. That is, you must incorporate specific examples and key quotes to illustrate your ideas.
You must incorporate 3 research-based sources (and up to 5) to support the ideas about contemporary society you will address in the essay. If pertinent and necessary, you can additionally refer to the extra readings you’ve had to do throughout the semester (e.g., materials about the Cult of True Womanhood, Apartheid, etc.)
You must explore the similarities (compare) and differences (contrast) between the society in the text and U.S. contemporary society. Avoid generalizations and oversimplifications along the lines of “There are many similarities and differences between then and now” or “Things are so much better in today’s society, where we have more freedom.” Your thesis needs to be clear, specific, and complex.
NOTE: Although you should definitely review your journal answers for inspiration and ideas, you should not simply cut and paste those answers. Modify and develop them so that they fit context and purpose of the assignment.
POSSIBLE TOPICS:A) Compare and contrast gender expectations in Trifles and in contemporary society.Consider the following questions to brainstorm ideas for this topic:
At the turn of the 20th century, Western cultures operated under a clear gender divide (i.e., separate spheres) and women, in particular, were expected to follow a series of standards if they wanted to avoid criticism and marginalization (i.e., the Cult of True Womanhood). How are these gendered rules illustrated in Trifles? How do they affect the behavior of women in the play? What are the social, financial, and psychological consequences of gender expectations for the women in the play?
Are there any (written or unwritten) rules for women in today’s society? What happens when women don’t follow these standards?
Types of sources you should look for:
Research-based articles (not opinion pieces) about gender or women’s issues. I highly recommend the CQ Researcher database, which offers thorough reports on a variety of topics, including “pros” and “cons.” To access this database, go to and search for the database by typing its name in the “Database Title / Keyword” box at the top.