1.  Hello Professor and classmates,  When a person comes into the world they en

1.  Hello Professor and classmates, 
When a person comes into the world they enter alone. But they don’t have to live alone they can have a different friendships amongst the family they are born into. There are different relationships a person/individual can have other people to count on have a unity with can have a bond of unity. As there are brother hoods there are sisterhoods where women can unite and and be there for one another. (Rumble, 2020). 
There was a white sisterhood that happened through triumph they bonded and felt through there bond that other women different races can come together and they can all be oe sisterhood fighting for their rights, wants, and understandingof what’s needed for growth and nourishment to succeed and stay a float in society with help from eachother no matter where your from what raceyou are come together in sisterhoodto help cocurr the goals that each one face. (Rumble, 2020).
Understanding it from the author perspective, opprsssion for sisterhood are women coming together to relinguish themselves independently but also as a group coming together to lift eachothe from the downfalsl of how men operated to put women in a box of defining their low tems. (Rumble, 2020). Oppression puts women in a place where it’s confined by social aspects in a negative light where women are seen to have to be accepted in society in the group to be noticed but even in the sister group there is one group that’s respected more than the others and that’s the white/caucasian race women were seen first before the other race women was noticed 35 years after Black women can vote. Year 1919, was when white women had a right to vote. (Rumble, 2020). 
Oppession affected Black women and other minorities more than white women. white women had oppession because of men who came first to do anything befoe a women. But race was a component between white and black women who came first socially in structure. (Rumble, 2020). 
Muslim women their oppression was not being honorable for choice of what they decide to wear example used hijab on their head some women had a choice if they wanted to wear it. What was seen was all Muslim women wearing the hijab looping them up as one who didn’t choice but they did. They could wear the hijab or not. (Rumble, 2020). 
A different way to handle oppession is not involve it in the situation with sisterhood. Keep the theme going togetherness; have all the women globally be able at once do the same thing. For example, vote together instead of separately decades apart. And at the same time look at the women as individuals, women with voices of their own; they can make their own choices. (Rumble, 2020).
What are other ways to show togetherness/inclusiveness in global sisterhood so there wouldn’t be no feeling of oppression between them? 
2.   Global Sisterhood empowers women worldwide and aims to empower, support, and connect women from different backgrounds and cultures. To create positive change by promoting gender equality and female leadership.
According to the author, this concept can be oppressive because it assumes that all women experience oppression the same way. There is a difference in race, culture, and other factors. An alternative is intersectional feminism. Which takes into account the many different ways each woman experiences discrimination. 
Even today, women still have to continue fighting for their rights and equality. Society and many companies believe there are jobs and opportunities for men, and then there are jobs and opportunities for women that are specifically for women. Women need to unite together and stand up for their opportunities and equal rights.