I have a study entitled: Psychiatric nurses’ perspectives on using coping mechanisms towards job stress. Study methodology: Delphi mechanism
Target sample: 15-30
Study objective: Identifying the coping mechanisms used by psychiatric nurses towards job stress Attachments:
1- Study plan
2- Questionnaire used: https://forms.gle/MkT8oNfZZuBYGbQL6 3- Statistical analysis of 2 rounds using SPSS program
3- Data collection
Note: Coding in the analysis is as follows:
1- Age 30-35 (1) 36-40 (2) 41-45 (3) 46-50 (4) 50-and above (5)
2- Gender: Male (1), Female (2)
3- Occupation: Health practitioner (1), Academic (2)
4- Academic degree: Diploma (1), Bachelor’s (2), Master’s (3), Doctorate (4)
5- Department: Hospital (1), College (2)
6- Years of experience: 1-5 (1), 6-10 (2), 11-15(3), 16-20(4), 21-above (5)
Please: Revise the scientific paper for publication in scientific journals, write Results, descriptive findings, discussion, conclusion.
You can rely on the steps of this paper and do what is necessary. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0260691724002259?dgcid=author
Proposed journal for publication: European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education
Thank you very much in advance…